Creating a Netlist Previous Tutorial                 Main Menu                 Next Tutorial

Creating a Netlist

This is a general tutorial on how to generate an hspice netlist using Cadence tools. Note: This segment or the design flow stoped working when Cadence was relocated. It currently brings us a blank netlist. Until it is fixed, I reccommend exporting your design into magic (using cif) and using the magic design flow for hspice and irsim simultion.

  1. At the command prompt open up Cadence using: "icms&" or "icfb&"
    (icms is the mixed signal development environment for Cadence and icfb is the front to back development environment. Either will work, we just need a tool that allows us to process analog circuits)

  2. Once the tool has loaded, open your library manager (Tools -> Library Manager)

  3. Move to the Library and cell which you would like to perform hspice and open the "extracted" view of the cell.

  4. From the menus on the extracted cell, choose Tools -> Analog Environment

  5. This will bring up the window:

  6. In this window, choose Setup -> Simulator/Directory/Host...
    Enter the correct information into the window:
    Simulator: hspiceS
    Project Directory: <your path>
    Host Mode: local
    Select OK.

  7. From the main window, choose Setup -> Environment
    Enter the correct information into the window:
    Netlist Type: incremental
    Include/Stimulus File Syntax: hspice
    Select OK.

  8. From the main window, choose Simulation -> Netlist -> Create Final
    This will create the netlist from the extracted cell and bring up the following window:

  9. Go look at your netlist. It will be in:
    <your path>/<cellname>/hspiceS/extracted/netlist/hspiceFinal

  10. Perform your hspice simulations on the netlist using the Analog Design Environment.

Your will need to make a few modifications before you can run hspice on your netlist.
Use awaves (set up env variables), take out ! after VDD, change 0 to GND, make .OPTION post, and add an experiment


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