Arithmetic Logic Unit for the BOMB!


The arithmetic logic unit performs six functions - add, subtract, logical AND, logical OR, shift left and shift right on 4-bit two's complement binary numbers. The inputs to be calculated come from the A Register (AREG) and the Accumulator (ACCUM) for add, sub, AND and OR. The shift left and shift right functions operate on the value in the ACCUM..

Figure 1 illustrates the functional level block diagram of the ALU designed for the BOMB! The ALU is divided into three modules (fig. 2) - the AND/OR unit, the ADD/SUB unit, and the shift left/right unit.


Data is always on the inputs and outputs of the ALU. Due to the use of a two-phase non-overlapping clock we can insure valid outputs. The inputs are latched on the rising edge of CLOCK A and the outputs are latched on the rising edge of CLOCK B to allow the signals time to propagate through the entire circuit. Figure 3 indicates how the registers are tied to the ALU and the clocking required for calculations. The PLA sends a 3-bit instruction indicating one of the six functions. The ALU decodes this instruction and outputs on the rising edge of CLOCK B.



The AND/OR unit is composed of four one-bit AND/OR selection units (fig. 4). The transmission gates select between AND and OR by the instr_alu0 signal from the controller. When the instr_alu0 signal is high, the transmission gates allow the NANDed signal through. When the instr_alu0 signal is low, the transmission gates allow the NORed signal through. The output of the transmission gate is then inverted to obtain the desired AND/OR output. The AND/OR output will be selected by another set of similar transmission gates between the AND/OR unit and the ADD/SUB unit.


The one-bit carry-lookahead adder (fig. 5) is replicated and tied together to produce the four-bit adder for two's complement numbers. This allows addition of negative numbers which will serve to simplify the implementation of the subtraction function. The CARRY bit must propagate through each one of the one-bit adders in order to produce a valid output for alu_out_3. The ALU subtracts the AREG from the ACCUM.

Subtraction with 2's complement numbers is simply two steps:

  1. Invert each number.
  2. Add one to the answer.

Negating the value in AREG makes it possible now to simply add it to the value in ACCUM, in essence subtracting.

To invert each bit in AREG, they are XORed with a high input from the PLA. In order to add a one to the answer, the CARRY bit must also be high. Thus, the same instr_alu0 input can be used to completely indicate the operation. When instr_alu0 is low, the operation is a ADD with the value in AREG XORed with a 0 and the CARRY bit being a 0 as well. When the instru_alu_0 is high, the operation is SUB with the value in AREG XORed with a 1 changing it to -AREG and the CARRY bit being a 1, adding one to the value. The outputs are tied to the other side of a set transmission gates which will select between the AND/OR output or the ADD/SUB output. The instru_alu_1 selects which set of transmission gates to send. This output will then be sent to another set of transmission gates which will determine the final output of the ALU, selecting between the three subunits.

Shift Left/Right Unit

The barrel shifter (fig. 6) shifts the binary number from ACCUM left or right by tying the inputs to two sets of transmission gates. The instr_alu0 selects which set of transmission gates which determines which direction to shift. The original inputs are ABCD in that order. One set of transmission gates has them in the order BCDA (shift left) and the other set is in the order DABC (shift right). In building this subunit it is important to keep track of the wires. The outputs of the transmission gates are then tied to the last set of transmission gates in the ALU. This set of transmission gates selects between the output of the first subunit selector and the output of the barrel shifter.

The final output is then routed to a set of latches which will be latched on the rising edge of CLOCK B. The ALU's output is then routed to the bus where the controller will determine the next destination.


The ALU has two sets of latches for the inputs from the AREG and the ACCUM. These inputs must be valid through the rising and falling edge of CLOCK A, making it Va. All of the subunits within the ALU are combinational logic which does not affect the timing. The outputs of the ALU are latched on CLOCK B to ensure valid signals. The outputs are VaSb coming out of the

fig. 8



Originally the ALU was to be separate from the barrel shifter. Each unit would have had an extra control signal indicating a pass through. If the instruction was shift left, the data from the A register would have to pass through the ALU. Likewise, if the instruction was an add, the data would have to pass through the barrel shifter. Both the ALU and the barrel shifter would require a bus controller. In order to be more space-efficient, I incorporated the barrel shifter into the ALU which only required adding another set of transmission gates to select between the shifter's output and the original ALU's output.

After viewing other groups' layout, it seems that perhaps the use of modular design is more space consuming. However, it made testing and verifying the functionality of each subunit much simpler. Debugging one module fixed all occurrences in the design.


The XOR gate (fig. C7a) is the most basic element of the Adder. There are several different methods of building an XOR gate. The first XOR gate was built with transmission gates. This proved to be an unstable gate. Whenever transmission gates are used to drive another input of another gate, buffers are needed to stabilize the output. Transmission gates have no definite power or ground, so the transistors can be unstable. The outputs on the one-bit adder was correct. However, when four of them were tied together, the CARRY-bit was unable to propagate through the entire circuit in time for the output. Adds without CARRY's performed fine. Once the CARRY bit had to propagate, the outputs which required the CARRY bit of the four-bit adder were invalid.

The other form of the XOR gate (fig. C7b) turned out to be much more stable. It is made up of three NAND gates and two INVERTERS. Both of these gates have a distinct power and ground. The outputs for the 4-bit adder were fine after switching out the XOR gate. The new XOR gate was close to the same area as the original one, so there was no loss of space.

Substrate Connections

Substrate connections are only necessary for the p-transistors to prevent latch-up in our design. Adding substrate connections to all of the transmission gates would have been a real challenge , but fortunately, the design for the ALU was not extremely,. The configuration selected for some of the transmission gates was originally chosen to facilitate selection by the PLA's signal. It turned out to make the substrate connections very erratic. However, it did not take too much time to add them, and the final design managed to have the same area.

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