
Step 1: |
Set the output of the 0-6 V power supply to 4 V.
Turn off the supply.

Step 2: |
Plug your
BNC-banana adapter
into the 6V supply terminals.
Be sure that the prong with the ground bump is plugged
into the negative (black) terminal of the power supply.

Step 3: |
Plug one end of a BNC patch cord into the adapter.
Plug the other end into J1-3 on the interface board.

Step 4: |
The motor is connected to pins 20 and 21 of the interface board
socket strip.
Connect pin 21 to ground and pin 20 to the positive terminal
of the 0-6 V power supply (pin 3 on the socket strip).

Step 5: |
Plug the camera cable into J2-1 on the interface board.

Step 6: |
Turn on the power supply.
Verify that the disk is rotating in a clockwise direction as
seen from the front of the camera.
If it is rotating counterclockwise, reverse the two connections
to the motor.

Step 7: |
Turn off the power supply.

Step 1: |
Plug the cable from the LED on the front of the camera into J2-2 on the interface board.

Step 2: |
the following circuit.
Remember to connect power to the opamp.

Question 2: |
Explain how the above circuit works.

Step 3: |
to the
output of the function generator.

Step 4: |
Set the function generator to produce a 30 Hz
1 V p-p sine wave.

Step 5: |
Turn on the power and look into the receiver eyepiece.
You should see alternating red and black bands moving across the

Step 6: |
Vary the
What effect do they have on the image.

Step 7: |
Reset the
controls to produce a bright band and a dark band of equal
Increase the frequency while watching the pattern.
What is the maximum frequency that produces a visible pattern?

Question 3: |
Explain the various patterns you have seen in this part.